Al-Faydan Al-Kawthari Fi Asanid Mashayikh Darul Uloom Bury

الفيضان الكوثري في أسانيد مشايخ دار العلوم بري

ويليه : عقد الجمان في أسانيد الشيخ يوسف بن سليمان

تأليف : محمد بن خالد أحمد

ويليه أيضاً : إسناد صحيح البخاري

من رسول الله ﷺ إلى شيخ الحديث مولانا محمد زكريا

للشيخ يوسف مطارة


Discover 40 years of ḥadīth transmission through the esteemed teachers (past & present) at Europe's first Islamic seminary since the Andalusian era, as well as a short history of the establishment of Darul Uloom Al Arabiya Al Islamiya, Holcombe, Bury. A comprehensive thabat of the chains of narration (asānīd) of all the ḥadīth teachers (past & present) of the 6 canonical books, the ‘Shamā’il’, the 2 narrations of ‘Al-Muwaṭṭa’, & Ṭaḥāwī’s ‘Sharḥ Ma‘ānī al-‘Āthār’.

Featuring a short summarised biography of its founder and principal, the Shaykh of Britain, Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Mawlānā Yusuf Motala رحمه الله, as well as the thabat of the asānīd of Shaykh Yusuf Motala.

Includes an Arabic translation of Shaykh Yusuf Motala’s Urdu booklet ‘Isnād e Bukhārī Sharīf’ on the lives of all those in the chain, from the Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ to Shaykh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariya Kandhlawi رحمه الله.

Featuring forewords by respected scholars Shaykh Muftī Ṣūfī Mohammed Tāhir Wādee & Shaykh Ziyād al-Tuklah, with insights into the history of Islam in the UK, as well as the scholars of ḥadīth through whom the chains of narration pass through in the various Islamic seminaries in Britain.

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